Hip Local News…Sleigh Bells @ the Norva Theater

I saw that The Norva added Sleigh Bells to their concert line-up on Saturday Oct 6th. Tickets are $20 (+ fees) in advance. (They are also playing The National Theater in Richmond the next day, Oct 7th)

I’m not really familiar with Sleigh Bells. The most I’ve heard them is when they were on SNL last year, and they didn’t seem like ‘my-cup-of-tea’. They kind of remind me of the ’90s band Curve ( and maybe Garbage).

I wasn’t even going to add them to the Local Calendar until I saw them listed in this article in LAweekly.com called The 20 Worst Hipster Bands.

Here’s what LAweekly has to say about them:

#18. Sleigh Bells

Remember in 2010, when we all lost our collective minds over these guys, with their iPod beats, garage-metal guitars and schoolyard-chant vocals? It was, like, the most original sound ever! Then the second album came out and everyone was more like, “Huh. Actually, this kinda sounds like shit.” Also, Alexis Krauss started wearing her own band merch at shows, which you’re really only allowed to do if you’re Morrissey.

-Andy Hermann

The LAweekly article is funny as hell, but I don’t agree with most of the bands on the list. I mean…they have Bon Iver as the #1 worst band! Everyone knows they’re awesome.

So I think Sleigh Bells being on the list of the Worst Bands makes them kind of hip. I’d even be willing to go check them out (if someone can hook me up with a guest pass (plus one?)) Email me for contact info.